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“A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just.”

-Pope Francis


Pastoral Care ministries are small volunteer groups that reach out to those in need providing emotional support and spiritual care.  They're also key in reaching out to the community and helping the underprivileged.  

Devotions and Prayer Group

Prayer changes those who pray and it provides support in time of need. For anyone going through times of deep angst, real suffering and periods of doubt, prayer as conversation means we can bring of our lives into conversation with all of God’s grace. This weekly prayer groups meets at 7:00pm Monday evenings in the parish hall. For information, please contact Antonella Couse at 613-668-2400. The rosary is prayed after Holy hour (7:30-8:30 am) from Nov. 1-May 1 and after 9:00am mass May 1-Oct 31. 

Development and Peace Committee

The Development and Peace Committee is comprised of members of the parish who are passionate about the issues and concerns that affect the Global South. This committee works to awaken parishioners to the issues that adversely affect women, children and men in the developing nations of the world as well as in our own country. Working with the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, this committee addresses the issue on which the annual Share Lent campaign is focused. This awareness, it is hoped, will produce a positive change in attitudes and actions as well as a generous response to the Share Lent collection which is used to alleviate poverty, inequality, and injustice. If you would like to become part of this committee or would like more information please contact Wambui Kipusi at

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care ministers are members of the parish who are commissioned to bring the Eucharist, to the sick. Membership in this ministry is open to all who have completed a 10-week Pastoral Care Training Program. There are also the requirements or the Responsible Ministry protocol that must be met (a police check, references, etc). Pastoral Care is a ministry of presence, empathy and compassion. Through their visits Pastoral Care ministers continue the experience of community with those unable to attend the Sunday liturgy. This includes the elderly, the disabled, the dying, or those experiencing depression, are in crisis, or are bereaved. We, at this time, are looking to expand our Pastoral Care Ministry. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information contact the office or

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Do you have knitting skills?  If so, the prayer shawl ministry can use your talents!  Volunteers knit on their own and offer a specially made/designed shawl that will be presented at times of Baptism, anniversary or times of sickness and palliative care.  Prayer shawls symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance. They also can be called comfort shawls or peace shawls.  For more information please contact the Office at 613-225-7388 or

Pro-Life Committee

Members of the Pro-Life Committee actively promote the dignity and sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death through participation in diocesan and parish Pro-life activities, such as the Hike for Life, March for Life, and Rose Sunday. This committee organizes on-going education, works of service, and fundraising for pro-life movement causes and initiatives, for example the sale of Christmas cards and cakes, Pennies for Life, etc.  If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information, contact Dolly Moyse at 613-221-9178.

Refugee Committee

The Refugee Committee, working closely with Catholic Immigration Center and members of the parish, prepares for the arrival of and supports as new immigrants to Canada a refugee family. The members of this committee raise funds, collect furniture and clothing, and arrange for resource people to assist the family upon its arrival to Canada. It will be during the sometimes lengthy waiting period for the family to arrive that the committee carries out its preparatory work. Once the family has arrived the committee will work with the family and other volunteers for a year to establish this new family in Canadian and Ottawa society. If you are interested in this work or would like more information please contact Denis Therrien at  or 613-228-7646.

Social Action Committee

The Social Action Committee of St. Augustine Parish works to provide food and other basic necessities for the poor in our neighbourhoods, working closely with the Deborah-Dynes resource center. Fund-raising activities, for example the Ham Dinner and Rummage Sales, enables Social Action to provide 84 Christmas hampers to the families of our community. They coordinate Operation Christmas Child which sends over 100 show boxes from our parish to children in developing nations. The Social Action Committee meets in the boardroom of the Parish Office on the first Thursday of the month from September to June for approximately one hour. If you feel called to this important work or would like more information please contact the Office at 613-225-7388 or

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Taken during a special pro-life mass at St. Augustine

1060 Baseline Road

Ottawa, Ontario

K2C 0A6



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