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Celebration of the sacraments are public celebrations of our faith and anchor the major milestones of your life. 



We offer religious services that help you take your next step. These sacraments are signs of grace and sacred rituals. They show God’s presence in all the key moments of our life.

We are here to organize and support you through the three sacraments that compose the Catholic initiation.

  • Baptism, which is the beginning of new life.

  • First Holy Communion, which nourishes the disciple with Christ’s Body and Blood for his or her transformation in Christ.

  • Confirmation, which is its strengthening.

We are also there to accompany you during the wedding ceremony, the last rights for the sick, and the funeral of a loved one.

Will your child be receiving Baptism, First Communion, or Confirmation this year? Please see our the drop down menu for "Sacraments" and see how you, as a parent, can learn more about the faith and help them prepare for their sacraments. 


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Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church.

Baptisms are celebrated within one of the weekend masses so that the child and his/her family can be welcomed into the parish community, usually on the last weekend of the month.  With consultation between the pastor and parents, it is decided whether Saturday at 4:30 or Sunday at 9:00 or 10:30 would work best.  Parents, and if possible, godparents are required to attend a baptism preparation course in advance of setting the date for the baptism.

First Holy Communion (Eucharist)

​The First Holy Communion (Eucharist) is the second sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church.


First Holy Communion is the common name for a person's first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist. Roman Catholics recognize the importance of this event as the Eucharist is the central focus of the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.  The Eucharist is the Christian ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed.  All Catholics who have been initiated through the three sacraments may attend the various Masses that we celebrate.


​Confirmation is the third sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church.  Like Baptism, Confirmation is received only once.  In the Sacrament of Confirmation, young people affirm the faith of commitment their parents made for them at Baptism.

In Canada, Confirmation is open to young people 10 or 11 years of age or to adults who feel themselves ready to receive this sacrament. It is celebrated by the bishop or his representative, who lays his hands upon the confirmand, anoints him or her with the Holy Chrism (perfumed oil) saying: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Wedding Ceremony

Love is a miraculous gift, and a wedding is a celebration of that magic. There is a unique spiritual significance in holding a wedding at a church -- not to mention something grand and traditional. A wedding is a celebration that requires careful preparation. We are pleased to assist you with the planning of this very special occasion in your lives. Early planning is advisable in order to book the church facilities and check on the availability of the Minister. In order make your wedding plans come true, please contact us at least 9 months in advance to choose available dates and times.

Last Rights (Anointing of the Sick)

The Last Rights -- or Anointing of the Sick -- should always take place in the early stages of any serious illness so that it may be received with full, conscious faith and devotion.  Who can receive the last rights?

  • Adults (and those children old enough to understand what is taking place) suffering a serious illness, involved in a serious accident, facing surgery or major medical tests.

  • Those suffering chronic infirmity (such as arthritis or diabetes) or serious mental illness.

  • The elderly, especially when frailty is pronounced - even without serious illness.


The Catholic funeral service is a mass, held at church after the vigil, for family members and friends of the deceased. It consists of receiving the body at the church or opening rites, the liturgies of the word and Eucharist, and at the proclamation of eternal life.


Funerals may be celebrated during the day, Monday through Friday, and on Saturday mornings. Please note that Sundays are not available for funeral services.

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Weddings celebrated at St. Augustine

1060 Baseline Road

Ottawa, Ontario

K2C 0A6


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