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In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship but to keep her on her course.
-Saint Boniface


Volunteer with one of our Strategic Ministries and work alongside the Pastor to respond to various topics concerning the parish.  Organizational skills or financial & administrative knowledge are a plus.

Baptism Preparation

Baptism preparation is a ministry of service to parents who are preparing for the baptism of their child. This is in many ways a ministry of evangelization and welcoming. Those who prepare the parents meet with them to explain the nature and importance of this first sacrament, the responsibility they are undertaking in having their child baptized, and help them choose a date for the sacramental celebration. Members of this ministry participate at the celebration of baptism on behalf of the parish community into which the child is being welcomed. This ministry is in need of members. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information, please contact the parish office:

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Sacramental Preparation

St. Augustine wishes to help families that are interested in having their children fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Baptism is the first of the sacraments of initiation. First Communion and Confirmation complete the process of initiation in order to welcome into full participation in the sacramental life of the Church. In preparation for these three sacraments, the members of this ministry gather with the children and their parents to provide an experience as welcoming and supportive, as they prepare for these sacraments. Through participation at Children's Liturgy, workshops, DVD presentations, worksheets and workbooks, members of this ministry expand on the preparation the children receive. If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, contact the parish office:


R.C.I.A. Preparation

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, is a process for formal initiation of new members into the Catholic Church. Every year, adults are welcomed into the Catholic Community through RCIA program. The members of this ministry are willing to accompany people who are seeking full membership on this faith journey. The RCIA support team provides the instruction and guidance over a 7 to 8 month period, starting in the fall. Leadership manuals and resource books assist team members in presenting core material. RCIA meetings take place at a time mutually agreed upon by all participants. If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information, contact the office or

Meeting Room

Finance Council

The Finance Council is comprised of parishioners appointed by the Pastor to assist in the administration of the temporal goods of the Parish. The Finance Council, in cooperation with the Pastor, oversees the temporal affairs and goods of the parish, ensuring the Policies set out in the Diocesan Administration Manual are being followed. The Finance Council prepares and approves the annual budget as well as the annual financial statement and presents these to the parish. The Finance Council submits the annual financial report to the Archdiocese. The Finance Council meets quarterly from September to June. Meetings are usually held in the Board Room in the Parish Office. If you have knowledge and experience in financial administration, and would like to be part of this Council, contact Ray Gervais or


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Parish Council, representing the whole parish membership, works with the Pastor to assess the needs of, prepare and implement programs for, and coordinate the pastoral life of the parish community. \ The Pastoral Council meets with the Pastor to ensure that the pastoral and spiritual needs of the parish and broader community are being met through the ministries and outreach programs of the parish. The Pastoral Council also carries out inquiries among the parishioners with a view to implementing programs and projects to meet particular needs, for example, accessibility. To get involved, contact Joe Cousineau or the parish office at

Taken during a 1st Holy Eucharist Sacramental Preparation Mass for children at St. Augustine
Taken during a Sacramental Preparation for Confirmation at St. Augustine

1060 Baseline Road

Ottawa, Ontario

K2C 0A6



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